Newington, Clem Lemire Recreatio...
Amity high school
Ansonia, Nolan Field
Bethel, Bethel high school
Brookfield, Cadigan Park
New Fairfield, New Fairfield Hig...
New Milford, New Milford High Sc...
Oxford, Oxford High School
Plainville, Plainville High School
Redding-Easton, Joel Barlow High...
Redding-Easton, Lower veterans F...
Seymour, Seymour High School
Wateroak, Watertown High School
Wolcott, Wolcott Sports Complex
Thank you for your patience as we switch to our new website and registration system!
We are back to Pop Warner for Football and Cheer! Thank you to the Northern Pop Warner teams for welcoming us, we are looking forward to the season!
Newington Knights Youth Football and Cheer
Balducci Way Newington, Connecticut 06111 Email: [email protected]